WELCOME! In the midst of each life's chaos exists a place of calm and sunshine. I call mine Contentment Cottage. It is the place where I write my stories and find the peace of God. I've posted my "Ice Pick" reviews and will continue to add some of what I call my "Ice Crystals": poems, articles, essays, fillers, and recipes.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Eagles! Beautiful eagles. Royalty of the skies, kings of the mountain crags. Freedom incarnate.

Almost all of us desire to see eagles soar above the valley. Our spirits lift with them. At times we wish we too could fly with them.

If you can't see eagles, watch the seagulls flying above the grocery store parking lot and remember Jonathan Livingston Seagull. No seagulls where you live? Watch the sparrows flitting outside your window.

Do we want to be eagles among men and women? Too bad we can't all be eagles, flying high. But if we can't, we can be the best sparrows we can be and remember God watches over sparrows, too. Jesus asked, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings and not one of them shall fall on the ground or is forgotten before God, your Father? Fear not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows." (Matt. 10:29 & 31 and Lk. 12:6 & 7)

Actually, Jesus' comment on eagles was less than flattering. "For wheresoever the carcass is, there will the eagles be gathered together." (Matt. 24:28 and Lk. 17:37)

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