WELCOME! In the midst of each life's chaos exists a place of calm and sunshine. I call mine Contentment Cottage. It is the place where I write my stories and find the peace of God. I've posted my "Ice Pick" reviews and will continue to add some of what I call my "Ice Crystals": poems, articles, essays, fillers, and recipes.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


This morning I just felt totally whanged out.

"Lord," I prayed, "please help me get out of my funk and into Your joy." And with that, Sally May cat hopped up on my desk and made me smile and laugh. But like a butterfly alighting on you, she doesn't stay. She paws at my mug mat and my cup of green tea and then leaps away to sit under my lamp by my computer, as if to say, "get busy with your writing or at least your e-mail."

"I'm running," I said to her, "on battery power." "Whoa! THAT's the problem," I told her. "I'm supposed to be plugged into God's power, not trying to do everything on my own."

When I picked up my NLT Bible Promise Book, I found today's verse was 2 Corinthians 3:5 "It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God." Uh-huh. I think that's what I just discovered on my own. Well, not entirely on my own. I had some help there from the Master of the Universe and from a small, elderly but feisty, red and white kitty.

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