WELCOME! In the midst of each life's chaos exists a place of calm and sunshine. I call mine Contentment Cottage. It is the place where I write my stories and find the peace of God. I've posted my "Ice Pick" reviews and will continue to add some of what I call my "Ice Crystals": poems, articles, essays, fillers, and recipes.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Nano Progress report
As I struggle along here at 29,160 words (and not done for the day yet), I've been trying for the last few days to make something comprehensible out of chapter 15 and I fear I'm just making myself more confused.

I know I'm supposed to be working on new stuff for Nano and I was for a while there, but I ran into this mess, and really don't feel comfortable going forward until I straighten it out. Too many versions written so long ago I no longer remember them. This is not good.

If I don't get my act together soon, I'll be writing Normavel's snow scenes in the snow again!

I love the pep talks we're getting from the Nano folks. There's so much good encouragement in them, I'm going to save them to reread again as I continue to work on this and other projects.

Today we were reminded that just because you're researching things on the internet that make you look like a serial killer, not to worry--it comes with the territory.

Well, enough procrastination here.

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